PAN-OS Bootstrapper Utility


The PAN-OS bootstrapper Utility is a tool to simplify the process of building bootstrap packages for Palo Alto Networks Next-Gen Firewalls.

Complete documentation on the Palo Alto Networks NGFW bootstrapping process can be found here.

An example web application is hosted on GitHub as the panos-bootstrapper-ui.


This utility is provided as a micro-service that provides a simple API. It is expected that another application will consume this API for presentation to the user.


Feel free to contribute templates, bug fixes, examples, documentation updates, etc to the GitHub repository. For simple contributions, opening an issue on GitHub is the preferred method. For more complex additions such as bugfixes, fork the project, commit your changes and open a Pull Request. Questions can be posed to the #automation-bof channel in the PaloAltoNetworks slack channel.

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